Author: webmaster


Cartonato con E.V.A. o inserti tattili: copertina opaca 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm con E.V.A. o 150 x 150 mm con inserti tattili angoli arrotondati Collana: I miei primi libri della buonanotte Illustratrice: Maurizia Rubino Altri titoli della collana: Sogni d’oro! – Buona notte mio Tesoro! Una dolce coniglietta è la protagonista di questo tenero libro della buonanotte. I testi semplici, e le belle illustrazioni culleranno i bimbi nel mondo dei sogni… Zzzzz… Buona notte e sogni d’oro! …
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Cartonato con E.V.A. o inserti tattili: copertina opaca 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm con E.V.A. o 150 x 150 mm con inserti tattili angoli arrotondati Collana: I miei primi libri della buonanotte Illustratrice: Maurizia Rubino Altri titoli della collana: Sogni d’oro! – Buona notte Amore mio! Un simpatico draghetto è il protagonista di questo tenero libro della buonanotte. I testi semplici e le belle illustrazioni culleranno i bimbi nel mondo dei sogni… Zzzzz… Buona notte e sogni d’oro! …
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Board book with E.V.A. or touch & feel patches matt cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm with E.V.A. or 150 x 150 mm with touch & feel patches rounded corners Collection: My first bedtime books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Good night my Darling! – Good night my Love! A sparkling little star is the main character of this endearing bedtime book. The simple texts, and the beautiful illustrations will lull children to sleep… Zzzzz… Sweet dreams and good night! …
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Board book with E.V.A. or touch & feel patches matt cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm with E.V.A. or 150 x 150 mm with touch & feel patches rounded corners Collection: My first bedtime books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Sweet dreams! – Good night my Darling! A cute little rabbit is the main character of this endearing bedtime book. The simple texts and the beautiful illustrations will lull children to sleep… Zzzzz… Sweet dreams and good night! …
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Board book with E.V.A. or touch & feel patches matt cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm with E.V.A. or 150 x 150 mm with touch & feel patches rounded corners Collection: My first bedtime books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Sweet dreams! – Good night my Love! A lovely little dragon is the main character of this endearing bedtime book. The simple texts, and the beautiful illustrations will lull children to sleep… Zzzzz... Sweet dreams and good night! …
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Disponibile in due divertenti versioni: 1) Cartonato con E.V.A., con o senza nastro: copertina lucida 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm angoli arrotondati 2) Libro bagnetto con anello a clip 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm imbustato singolarmente Collana: Libri Passeggio Illustratrice: Maurizia Rubino Altri titoli della collana: Bau! – Miao! Dov’è Ciuf-ciuf? Pagina dopo pagina i bambini si divertiranno a cercare e trovare questo simpatico (ma un po’ birichino!) amico! Libro passeggio pieno di illustrazioni colorate, perfetto da portare in giro. …
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Disponibile in due divertenti versioni: 1) Cartonato con E.V.A., con o senza nastro: copertina lucida 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm angoli arrotondati 2) Libro bagnetto con anello a clip 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm imbustato singolarmente Collana: Libri Passeggio Illustratrice: Maurizia Rubino Altri titoli della collana: Ciuf-ciuf! – Bau! Dov’è Miao? Pagina dopo pagina i bambini si divertiranno a cercare e trovare questa simpatica (ma un po’ birichina!) amica! Libro passeggio pieno di illustrazioni colorate, perfetto da portare in giro. …
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Disponibile in due divertenti versioni: 1) Cartonato con E.V.A., con o senza nastro: copertina lucida 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm angoli arrotondati 2) Libro bagnetto con anello a clip 8 pagine + copertina/retrocopertina 110 x 110 mm imbustato singolarmente Collana: Libri Passeggio Illustratrice: Maurizia Rubino Altri titoli della collana: Ciuf-ciuf! – Miao! Dov’è Bau? Pagina dopo pagina i bambini si divertiranno a cercare e trovare questo simpatico (ma un po’ birichino!) amico! Libro passeggio pieno di illustrazioni colorate, perfetto da portare in giro. …
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Available in two lovely versions: 1) Board book with E.V.A., with or without ribbon: glossy cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm rounded corners 2) Bath book with clip-on ring 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm OPP bag with header card Collection: Stroller Books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Woof! – Meow! Where is Choo-choo? Page after page children will love to look for and find this fun (but rascal!) friend! This is a beautiful stroller book full of colourful illustrations, perfect to be carried around. …
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Available in two lovely versions: 1) Board book with E.V.A., with or without ribbon: glossy cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm rounded corners 2) Bath book with clip-on ring 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm OPP bag with header card Collection: Stroller Books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Choo-choo! – Woof! Where is Meow? Page after page children will love to look for and find this fun (but rascal!) friend! This is a beautiful stroller book full of colourful illustrations, perfect to be carried around. …
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Available in two lovely versions: 1) Board book with E.V.A., with or without ribbon: glossy cover 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm rounded corners 2) Bath book with clip-on ring 8 pages + cover/back cover 110 x 110 mm OPP bag with header card Collection: Stroller Books Illustrator: Maurizia Rubino Other titles of this collection: Choo-choo! – Meow! Where is Woof? Page after page children will love to look for and find this fun (but rascal!) friend! This is a beautiful stroller book full of colourful illustrations, perfect to be carried around. …
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Hard book with padded cover matt cover + glitter + UV spot 32 pages + cover/back cover 230 x 270 mm envelope on last page containing everything necessary for creating the package for Santa Claus Illustrator: Monica Pierazzi Mitri This is a wonderful Christmas story about a small cuddly bear named Tommy, who wants to give Santa Claus a special present. Children and parents will enjoy reading this endearing story and preparing, like Tommy, a very special gift for Santa Claus. DOWNLOAD THE PACKAGE FOR SANTA CLAUS! Other seasonal book: It’s …
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